
Build Lead and Sales Systems That Consistently Turns Prospects Into Clients

...Without Chasing the Latest Fad, Being Fake or Using Sleazy Marketing Tricks

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For good people who aren’t having the impact they want, aren’t making the money they should, are working too hard, and are ready to grow and scale. . .

Your business isn’t producing at the level it should. You have a great product or service, and if more people knew about you, then business would explode.

The problem is, you don’t have enough leads and sales.

So you research, read articles, watch videos, hire people and buy courses, but nothing has worked like it should. You tell yourself: “If I had enough leads, I’d have enough sales. I need more leads.

But there’s a deeper problem, your marketing and sales aren’t working. You don’t have a marketing system that delivers a continuous and scalable flow of leads and sales that doesn’t require your time.

So you have to scramble and do everything...

If your business depends on you to do everything, you will never be able to scale it. You need systems. You need GROWTH SYSTEMS.

You're Either Going to Work Hard Driving Leads and Sales, Or You're Going to Have a System Deliver You All The Leads and Sales...


One will drain the living life out of you and the other will set you free.


You will have to do everything. The urgent will always rule over you. You will never have sustained growth. You won't be able to hire people.

Your business (and bank account) will be a perpetual roller coaster. You'll always have to hustle and will forever be stuck on the hamster wheel.

When you're alone with your thoughts, you won't be excited about your business. You will become frustrated and burnt out. You will look around at others and feel like you're being left behind.


Business owners rely on themselves to build the company and don't rely enough on systems. 

In a nutshell, here’s what usually happens to business owners every time they start running advertising campaigns:

Many try Facebook, or Google or LinkedIn or some foolproof funnel, or they read some article from some “guru” or bought some course thinking they’ll run a campaign and will be magical, but instead of clicks and sales they experience nothing. Zilch. Nada.

. . . Leading you to believe that the tactic doesn’t work.

However, that’s not really the case because . . .

When we use my Engineered Marketing Methodology, with the same traffic platforms that previously didn’t work, you experience growth and transformation in your business.

For example, one company doubled from 7 figures to 8 figures in just one year while cutting $2 million in expenses – and doing this with only a part-time worker.

Or another small business that was stuck and created $135,000 in sales
 to a cold market in 6 weeks.

Engineered Marketing works more effectively than the latest traffic or funnel scheme. 

Why? Because we’re not building funnels.

We’re building something better, something more powerful – Growth Systems.

When you understand how to engineer, design, build and scale marketing systems, and have a process to smoothly and seamlessly build trust with your prospects and clients, and take them through every step of the journey . . .

. . . we experience phenomenal growth and deeper bonds with our clients, because we build trust in a very effective way.

. . . and if you can do that in a way where systems do all the hard work, then you can scale your business as big as you want and as big as the market will support.


If you don’t engineer your marketing and build trust based on educating them, then you’ll experience more frustration over yet another failed marketing scheme and won’t experience the true freedom and joy from having a business that finally does what you always believed it could someday do.

There is a better way . . .

Imagine having a business that fulfills you and that produces the revenue and impact you crave.
 Imagine a business where you have a flow of leads, not just any leads, but leads that want to work with you.

Imagine your perfect client and imagine helping them.

Now imagine having a flow of those perfect clients delivered to you on a regular basis and them signing up and buying from you with little effort.

The effort is in setting up the systems.

This is why I have put together a 5-day workshop that will walk you through exactly how we use Engineered Marketing to get our clients more leads and sales.

We do it this way, every time, over and over again.

It's for good people who aren't having the impact they want, aren't making the money they should, are working too hard, and are ready to grow and scale. 

You will get a clear understanding of:

Why your business has not grown the way you hoped

What's missing with your current plan that is keeping you from your goals

How to pull all the pieces together and engineer an efficient marketing system

How to scale your business

The marketing methodology that makes business growth fun and exciting

How to have your business work for you instead of you being a slave to your business

What you need to do to bring in the results you want

If you want to learn Engineered Marketing that will help you grow your business to the next level. . . then register for our 5-day workshop and I will reveal how you can use Engineered Marketing to get more leads and sales.

For a limited time only, you can save over 50% on getting access to this exclusive course

5-Day Engineered Marketing Workshop

Perfect Prospects. Perfect Positioning. Perfect Process.

In this 5-day workshop, I'm going to show you how to grow and scale your business.
You will learn how you can get leads and sales off of any and every platform. Not just that, I'll show you how to build the SYSTEMS to deliver those leads and sales. You won't have to be the magic all the time. No more chasing the latest fad, social media, funnel or traffic technique. 
At the end of the 5-days, you will have an actionable plan for growth.

What you'll learn in this workshop:

Scaling and Perfect Prospects


 What industry and world leaders are doing to get ahead in this economy

⌲ Self Assessment: The 3-minute test to determine how scalable your business is

⌲ The 4 Paths – the roadmap to scaling markets

⌲ How to progressively grow markets

⌲ Getting Perfect Prospects to Come to You

⌲ Positioning – Standing Out In A Crowded Market So You Are The ONLY One Your Market Wants To Work With

⌲ The biggest mistake that stops growth that virtually everyone is making – and how to use it to your advantage

⌲ Why your vision matters to your market

⌲  Q&A

Systems- Creating Growth Engines


  Why funnels don’t work and why systems are king

⌲ CWH Systems – The Only Three Systems You Need – If you can do this, you can own your market

⌲ Vision, Values and Brand – three of the most overlooked factors when growing and scaling a business that can ruin all your hard work

⌲ How systems can free up 10 – 20 hours per week

⌲ How systems create consistent and growing income

⌲ How to use CWH Systems to create deeper bonds with your perfect prospects

⌲ Q&A

Attention Amplifier

day 3

⌲ What the attention amplifier is and how it will affect everything you do

⌲ How to build relationships with cold prospects if all they give you is 1 second

⌲ Engaging perfect prospects – the right way and the wrong way

⌲ How to gain more and more attention

⌲ The ONE Process to Engineer That Will Solve All Your Marketing

⌲ The Greased Slide – what it is, why build it, and why prospects will love you for it

⌲ Trust – the new currency in marketing: How to create and build trust

⌲ Education based marketing – how you can impact and help more people, and why this is so important right now.

⌲ Why authenticity matters and how to be authentic and create deeper more lasting bonds

⌲ Q&A

Launching It

day 4

⌲ The best way to launch a new venture – this will change how you look at business and get you to growth quicker. It’s not what you think either.

⌲  How to know if something is working and if it should be scaled

⌲  Viability – why this is so important and how to know if you are viable

⌲  The most important metric to know when launching your product or service

⌲  Funnels vs systems

⌲  CWH Systems

⌲  Using B.M.E. and L.E.A.D.S.

⌲  The Prototype – the right way to use prototypes and why it will become your new best friend saving you from months or years of wasted time and saving you from wasting thousands of dollars

⌲  Traffic sources – how to pick the perfect traffic source

⌲  Q&A

Scaling for Massive Growth

day 5

⌲ The Data Feedback Loop – what it is and why it will separate you from everyone else

⌲ How to Analyze if what you’re doing is actually working

⌲ How to know what part of your business to scale

⌲ The step by step method for scaling any market

⌲ The Three Stages of Growth

⌲ The Tipping Point – this is where things get really fun – I’ll go over what it is and how to know when you’re there

⌲ Massive growth – the shortcuts to getting to massive growth quicker

⌲ Q&A

Action Plan


At the end of the workshop, I’m going to give you an actionable plan for growth and tell you what you should work on next.

And if you are engaged during the 5 days, I will give you the opportunity to get a personal and private assessment of your business to show you the biggest opportunities you should focus on.

Ready to take action today?


Marketing Success= Engineering + Systems + Salesmanship + Data Feedback Loop

Engineered Marketing works for consulting businesses, local service businesses, professional services, contractors, coaches, consultants, membership businesses, and e-commerce. 

Here's the determining factor: 

IF you have a business where education helps you close deals, and IF you sell value add (not the cheapest), then this can help you. 

This is perfect for you if:
Your marketing and sales are not working and not delivering enough leads and sales
You are the magic in your business and if you stop your business will stop
You want to get out of crazy mode where everything depends on you
You want to grow your 6 figure or 7 figure business
You are a startup and need a plan and a system to get there
You have pieces, but not the harmonious whole system
You have tried a number of things and nothing has worked like you were led to believe
You have bought courses or hired people that have promised the moon but delivered garbage
You are a good person with a good product or service
You KNOW that if more people KNEW about you, your sales would soar
You’re not afraid of doing the work to get you free
You don’t want to rely solely on your hard work and hustle. You want to get off the hamster wheel.
"If Chris Goegan isn't the answer to everyone's prayers, he's been the answer to mine! I've never worked with a more enthusiastic, capable, resourceful and productive guy. And we've been in business for 30 years! Best of all, Chris always keeps his word! If trust is important to you as it is to me, then by all means, give Chris a try like I did. Then you'll be up here touting his wares!"

Michael Gerber, Author, E-Myth 

See what others are saying about us

Our students experience results and you can too!

I want to thank you for your Engineered Marketing course. 

“By way of background, during the course of my career, I’ve seen so many marketing people take a siloed view on marketing.  For example, if they sell SEO, then that is the only answer, or if they sell Facebook ads, that is the only answer.

Few marketing people approach marketing as a longer-term project and look at it from the 60,000 foot view (strategically) and then look at the actions needed to accomplish the goals (tactics).  On top of that, being a financial person, I like the fact that you don’t just create temporary solutions but systems that are data driven.  Most marketing people I run into, say spend the money and see the results – which never happen.

Bottom line (spoken like a real financial person), I think that your 360 approach to marketing is a refreshing gem and welcomed in an environment of hucksters and people who sell the latest snake oil.” .

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Jeff Prager

Co-founder, The CFO Project

The Results With This Approach Are Astonishing Long Term

Like you, I’m an engineering graduate. I understand that you don’t just start a mechanism instantaneously and expect it to work at peak performance right away. Momentum needs to be built. You need some little successes before you can have medium successes, and then big successes. With that in mind, I set my income objective for the first year at a modest level. I’ll meet that objective.

I believe in the long term. I don’t like living, breathing and existing for short term successes. Never have liked it. It doesn’t solve any issues, it just is typically patchwork. I prefer sustained, and long-term growth. Where you develop focus and go after it with wisdom, hard work and determination. Yes, adjustments, course corrections and fine-tuning are all part of it, as is personal transformation. The results with this approach are astonishing long-term.

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Ian Wilson


Doubled Business to $10 Million. Saved $2 Million in Expenses.

Working with Chris Goegan has been an amazing experience for us. As a small business, often we don’t have the time and manpower  to focus on creating marketing strategies and systems.  Chris has helped us to focus on our marketing message in a very strategic way and keep track of our progress. With the simple method of test, track, repeat we have seen growth in many areas such as sales, lead generation, and web traffic.

Chris has really helped us, and I would recommend him to anyone!

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Timothy K. Lynn

President & Chief Executive Officer, NIR Roof Care, Inc.

Signing up for this training is by far the best decision I have made in the last ten years.

I run an online digital marketing business for the Hispanic audience and noticed I had a large strategy gap that was affecting my sales and conversions. Under the instruction of Chris Goegan I was able to understand, clarify and reorganize my marketing strategy in a way that my message is more clear to my leads, and lowers my client’s acquisition costs by half. Now I have closed the strategy gap and my business is booming. This training was definitely the missing piece of the puzzle. Thank you!

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Jose Luis Galvis

Copywriter and Course Creator

Added $135,000 in 6 weeks and then 7-figures.

I added $135,000 in new sales within the first 6 weeks. $50,000 came in the first week. But even more cool, I kept up what you went over and it’s producing $7 figures for me. Every time I need help, you’re there. Thank you.

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Ken Appleton

Massive Growth- Hit $20 Million

My business grew from $4 million to $20 million in 18 months. I’m glad I went through your class, it paid off. Yes, I would recommend it, but only if you want to grow.

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Jacob Hill

Chris’s 5 day workshop was down to earth with no marketing hype.

He has a genuine desire to help business owners and regularly provided value which I could apply to my business immediately. Quite a few times my assumptions were challenged and I came away with a fresh perspective on how to approach Sales and Marketing in a methodical way. Yes, it was challenging getting up at 3:30am here in Australia, but well worth it!

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Ken Hawkins

Kip McGrath Hunter

Learned More in 3 Hours Than I Did In The Last 18 months 

I’ve spent $26,000 on business coaching over the last 18 months but learned more in 3 hours with Chris about growing my business! In just minutes he gave me a clear path to double my business and give me so many options on creating a lifestyle I love. Ignore this guy at your own peril.

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Sean Mysel

Spoiler alert: don’t expect hype, ´motivational talk´ or bells and whistles.

“Although Chris denies being a guru, he knows more about getting and keeping customers than many gurus out there – combined. Everyone serious about customer acquisition should attend his 5 Day Workshop. Spoiler alert: don’t expect hype, ´motivational talk´ and bells and whistles. Just systematic, actionable, and ready-to-apply knowledge. Priceless!” 

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Nick Grubisa – Best-selling author and Business Strategist to TOP10 companies

I am THE poster boy for this!! WOW

And….I’m lovin’ your content.

Your FREE stuff is better than most of the marketing and sales “systems” I’ve invested (read wasted) money in 🙁

In one of your trainings, you said more and gave more value in 7 minutes than some do in 7 hours (no fluff or BS)

But, my journey is not as important as my destination…so THANKS Tour Guide Chris :-).

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Joe Johnston

Ready to take action today?


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Hi, I'm Chris Goegan

I help scale 6 figure and 7 figure businesses and I've created a methodology called "Engineered Marketing," that has worked for 100's of private clients over the last 25 years. 

I spent a decade as an engineer building high volume manufacturing systems, and making sure that over 1 million engines were built in Ford Motor Company defect free. 

I also spent a decade in the trenches doing sales, a decade+ in marketing. 

I've personally worked with hundreds of business owners in 100+ industries, interviewed thousands more, worked with thought leaders, industry leaders and the smallest of the small.  

I've put tens of millions in the pockets of small business owners and I want to help YOU do the same!

Frequently asked questions

When will I get access to the course?

Sagitt ipsume lectus lacusa vulput intege vertis portti laoret proina semper evenie platea minim dolors venena tempor.

Are there any additional costs?

Minim dolors lacusa portti proina intege vertis evenie venena vulput lectus semper platea tempor ipsume sagitt laoret.

What software will I need?

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